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“It’s Your Responsibility” Scholarships

Scholarships in honor of Christian Jackson,

and offered by Creative Change Counseling, Inc.

Christian's Story

Christian was born with a genetic condition known as Prader-Willi Syndrome. While he faced multiple disabilities, he strongly believed in inclusion. Despite the challenges, Christian did not let it stop him from participating in and enjoying life to its fullest. At 19, Christian had many joys in life, including animals, being outdoors, and music. Christian often volunteered at the Burlington County Animal Shelter and Paws Farm. He dreamed of working at a Veterinary Clinic or Pet Smart.

Christian loved being outdoors and worked for a landscape company. Christian was known for his love of music, and could often be found with headphones listening, rapping, and composing rap lyrics to music. He was well-known for rapping at family events in neighborhood parks with friends. Another one of Christian's joys in life was playing softball for the Special Olympics. Christian's charismatic personality will be missed tremendously by all the lives he touched. We hope, in some way, his story has touched your life as well.

Creative Change Counseling Scholarship Awards

Creative Change Counseling awards $5,000 college scholarships to assist students with tuition, room, and board to begin or continue their education. High school seniors beginning their educational journey may find the cost of college and other expenses overwhelming, to say the least. As an Agency that prides itself on caring for people and community, we try to put our ‘
Core Values’ to the test of not only encouraging students to reach for the stars, but to support them in their journey through ‘philanthropy,’ and active fundraising all year. We also want to make an ‘impact’ on young adults who are already on the path of higher education but face a financial hardship that stands in the way of furthering their goal of obtaining a college degree. We truly mean it when we say, Inspiring Hope and Changing Lives, One Family at a Time.”  Afterall, our ‘integrity’ depends on it!

NOTE:  All funds will be distributed directly to the school’s billing office towards tuition. Any overage of scholarship funds will be applied to the student’s following semester tuition fees. All scholarships are governed by the established rules set forth by Creative Change Counseling, Inc.





You must be a United States Citizen



New Jersey, Maryland, North Carolina, Delaware



Graduate in June 2025, and be accepted into an accredited 2- or 4-year college or university in the Fall of 2025.



Currently enrolled in an accredited 2- or 4-year college or university and in need of financial support to continue your education.

DEADLINE TO APPLY: Saturday, March 29, 2025

click tab below

Awarded to six high school students who embody the spirit, energy, and zeal for knowledge, community, and life as Christian Jackson.

  • A high school senior graduating by June 2025
  • An Acceptance Letter to a 2- or 4-year accredited college or university
  • A written essay (minimum 500 words) on one core value (refer to Application Criteria)
  • A video presentation to the essay (3 to 5 minutes in length)
  • Two letters of recommendation*

*Letters of recommendation can be obtained from a spiritual leader, teacher, advisor/counselor, mentor, coach, employer, or other professional.

Awarded to four currently enrolled college students (attending a 2- or 4-year college) in need of financial support to continue their education.

  • Currently enrolled in a 2- or 4-year accredited college or university as a sophomore, junior or senior
  • A transcript with a 3.0 minimum GPA
  • A written essay (minimum 500 words) on one core value (refer to Application Criteria)
  • A video presentation companion to the essay (3 to 5 minutes in length)
  • Two letters of recommendation*

*Letters of recommendation can be obtained from a spiritual leader, teacher, advisor/counselor, mentor, coach, employer, or other professional

Application Criteria

Essay Based on a Core Value

What is a Core Value? A Core Value is a principle (or set of principles) that you strongly believe in and is the plumbline or standard that guides all or most decisions in your life; be it business or personal. Students will write a 500-word essay based on one of Creative Change Counseling's Core Values:

1. Professionalism

A high-level of expertise, skill, or competency.

2. Impactful

Influential or leaving a strong impression.

3. Ethical

Moral or upright.

4. Philanthropic

Freely giving to others; humanitarian.

5. Integrity

Honorable, truthful.

6. Diversity

Respect of different people and cultural differences.


You must submit one essay with one corresponding video:


Applicants will write a 500-word essay based on one of Creative Change Counseling’s Core Values:

  • Professionalism
  • Impactful
  • Ethical
  • Philanthropic
  • Diversity
  • Integrity

Applicants will select one core value from the list above and include a relevant example of when, where, why, and/or how this core value was invoked and/or implemented in their life, and how it inspired hope and changed lives for others. Applicants must also explain how they plan to use their degree and how this core value will guide them in their chosen career field.

The essay must include a cover page with your first and last name, and your email address.

Video Presentation

In a video presentation based on the essay, applicants will bring the essay to life by creating a 3- to 5-minute visual of the selected core value. Applicants may use one or more creative expressions* to show how they intend to inspire hope and change lives through their academic achievement and/or career.

*Creative expression can be demonstrated in the form of art, music, dance, poetry, dramatic reading, or storytelling.

How to Label Your Documents

Use Your First and Last Name Underscore Core Value

John Smith_Professionalism or Jane Doe_Impactful

Let's Recap


  • High School Senior

    You must be a high school senior that will graduate by June 2025.

  • College Student

    Please submit your most recent college transcript with a minimum GPA 3.0

  • Essay

    A minimum of 500 words based on one of Creative Change Counseling's Core Values.

  • Video

    A 3-5 minute video based on the essay you wrote.

  • Two Letters of Recommendation

    These can be letters obtained from a spiritual leader, teacher, mentor, employer, coach, couselor or other professional. 

Prep all Documents for Submission


Label Documents

Make sure you have correctly labeled each document.


Zip All Documents

Zipped files help them stay together as one, so nothing gets lost. 


Label Zipped File

Label the Zipped File with your first and last name, and State of Residency. Please use your State's initials (NJ, MD, NC, DE).


Upload Zipped File

Upload the Zipped File to your State of Residency Portal.

Select your State of residency below for email address.

Email Us

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Please check your email for confirmation that we have received your Zipped File of Documents for the "It's Your Responsibility" Scholarship in Honor of Christian Jackson.

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